Saturday, September 27, 2008
Vet today
Sam's infection is gone, no fever, gained 4 oz, ate on his own earlier for the first time, today was amazing!!! He is being all cute and rubbing up against us and being super cuddley, I think he knows we saved his life.
He did it!
Sam ate on his own this morning!!! We are going to the vet later today and we'll see what they says about removing the tube. I think we should wait a few more days until he eats a larger amount. We are so excited, he is on the road to being normal again! Thanks so much for all your love and support, it has helped tremendously.
Some lovins!
I thought I would share some cute pictures from our fridge, something a little more uplifting. Its been a crazy few weeks and I think we all need some cuteness in our lives to cheer us up.
Here are the brothers in seattle! It's so cute how sam loves to touch his friends. He loves to reach out a paw and feel people and his brother.

Thursday, September 25, 2008
I put some food in front of Sam, and wiped some of it on his nose. He licked it off. Then he sniffed the food and had a tini bite. This means he is getting closer to eating on his own! David and I were so exicted when he had just a tini bite and I got teary. Now he is just sitting there on the arm of the couch with some wet food in front of him on a paper towel. He isn't running away and he isn't eating it. Just sitting there, maybe he needs to get used to the idea of eating again. I can feel it, he is getting really close.
Good news
The vet says that the infection looked really good, no pus! He had to stich up the tube site because the skin it was attached to was all dried out and the tube wasn't connected to the skin anymore. Sam took his food really well when I fed him earlier, so that is great news! Going back to the vet on saturday!
We got Sam some more nausea shots and I guess thats all he was missing because now he seems to be doing so much better. I'm taking him to the vet now to get his infection cleaned out and a new bandage. I hope he starts eating on his own soon!!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
bad day!
I just tried to feed sam for the second time today. He puked it up immediately. He has puked twice now today. I am wondering if the surgery from yesterday made him not feel good, the anesthesia and such. It's so hard worrying about this cat all the time. I just want him to eat on his own and feel better and be his self again.
So confusing!
There is so much going on with Sam. He had that infection (abscess) that was removed/drained on monday, that infection was extremely bad bacteria that can be immune to antibiotics and can also mutate. The vet also now thinks that something else might be going on. As in why he stopped eating in the first place, Inflammatory bowel or some sort of intestinal disease. If the infection comes back we have to pull the tube. The vet says that Sam should start eating because his liver is basically healed now, good new for sure. The only problem is that he still won't eat on his own and I tried to put some milk in front of him earlier and just smelling it made him puke. I am so glad to know that his liver is better, now we just need the sammer to start eating on his own. I am hoping he will do this really soon! It's so sad to think of all he has been through and how he must have been feeling. I hope he recovers soon and eats some snacks!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sam's abscess is draining now and he seems ok. The doctors and techs said he didn't really seem sick, he was in good spirits. But we have to watch the wound to make sure it is healing so we can keep the tube in. Poor guy has been through 2 surgeries and numerous other tests in the last 3 weeks.
Today we took Sam in and now he is in surgery again. He had a abscess and the vet, who is not our vet said she wanted to pull the tube out. This is not a good idea, and we told her we didn't agree with that. If we pull the tube he will have no way of eating, and he won't eat on his own yet. She was saying all this stuff about him having internal problems because he is a pukey cat and things that she doesn't know about the whole ordeal. Then talking about how he needs steroids, which our vet had never mentioned. The abscess was not at the tube site and was contained inside of its self. This makes me think that if they remove it the tube will still be ok, because the tube site has cleared up a lot since we started the antibiotics
She is going to lance the abscess and then wait 24 hours to decide about pulling the tube. I really want to talk to our vet to see what he says because he knows all the history and seems to get what is going on better.
David is also running out of money. This has been a extremely expensive ordeal and we have no idea how much longer this will last. I am so worried about Sam. I have been working so hard to save him and I hope this new problem can be resolved with out removing the only thing that has kept him alive, the feeding tube.
Please keep sending him healing thoughts and hopefully it will keep working.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Another step back
Sam has a new infection, not at the tube site but next to it. The vet had to drain it, because it was swollen with fluid inside. We now have all the bandages and tape to change the bandaging ourself. This will not only save money, but time as well. And now we can inspect the site ourself, which I good for me because I have turned into a crazy cat nurse.
We also had a incident after the vet yesterday, the cat decided he needed to go bad, pee I mean. David had taken him to the vet on his own and upon arriving at home he let him out of the carrier and Sam ran down the hallway all wet, David locked him in the bathroom and "tried" to clean up the mess. Needless to say when I got home from work our house smelled terrible, like a crazy cat person with 10 cats. I have been spraying natures miracle everywhere and It has gotten better but I think I need to get more of it and mop the entire place with it. The cat also smells terrible because he peed himself. I need to get some of the cat or pet wet wipes like they used at the vet when he did the same thing there. Frustrating to say the least.
The feeding went well yesterday but I just fed him today and he puked it all up. I think I went to fast. He has been taking the food fairly fast lately and I think I got a little ahead of myself. Slowing down is always good practice.
I think besides the obvious setback Sam is doing better, he doesn't seem as jaundice anymore and is still acting more active.
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